
  • Mixing - I offer affordable mixing with over 10 years of Experience combining the best of the analog and digital worlds.  You can expect a mix from me to have life and creativity!  I use a fully recall-able work flow allowing revisions until you are satisfied!  More about Mixing...

  • Tracking - With years of experience working directly with artists, I know how to pull great takes out of musicians and creatively achieve sonic nirvana with tone.  Whether I come to your location, rent a studio, or record at my studio, I bring my gear and my experience to the session for just the cost of my time.

  • Mastering - When I master, I don’t just turn everything up...  Thanks to my mastering grade ears, speakers, converters, and processing I can lend you that second opinion and polish your project needs.

  • Producing - I can produce an entire album or pull a rock star performance out of your already tracked vocals.

  • Remote Recording - I am able to track up to 34 channels with a primary and secondary rig to ensure a successful recording.

  • Web Design - I offer affordable websites and hosting to help you advertise and deliver content. 

  • Gear Tech - I have a long history of repairing gear that has failed.

  • Acoustics Consulting - If you need help getting the most out of your room with temporary or permanent treatment, I can provide you the absolute best bang for your buck through my previous experience and research.

  • Cable Creation - I can make any cable for you.  With over 15 years of soldering experience, you can be confident that I know exactly how to expertly make your custom cables.

  • Gear Purchase Consultation - Thanks to my countless hours of auditioning many pieces of gear and recording techniques, I am able to suggest very cost effective setups while maintaining complete professional quality and functionality.

  • Recording Instruction - I am able to successfully teach you recording in a simple to understand manner.  I even have experience teaching across language barriers.  Cubase, Protools, Logic, Tracking, Mixing, Mastering.